About us

Nick's Aviation Art' was begun in 2007 by Nick Maue to offer a wide range of Nicolas Trudgian Artwork to collectors. Although known primarily for his aviation paintings, Nick Trudgian also specialises in Tanks and Trains and has many collectors of these subjects also. Both 'Nicks' regularly meet up to chat about new projects, discuss research and create new commissions for collectors. All Commissions handled by 'Nick's Aviation Art' are researched to ensure historical accuracy and are designed by the Artist to meet the aspiration of each customer.
Nick Maue runs the business on his own and regularly attends various signings and events, as well as the main airshows. He has a large personal collection of Nick's work and is always looking to expand his Remarque and Drawing collections!

He also takes an interest in original signatures and offers a wide range of these on the site to other collectors.